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I created Body Motion Evolution because I wanted to help people obtain their strongest self, the true healthy and fit self that lives within each of us. As a youth, I was very active, played sports, and was always outside playing with the neighborhood kids. Our family was no different than any other, we occassionally ate fast food (who didn't?) but I found out very early I had a thing for SWEETS and I loved food, probably a little too much. As a teen, I gained weight and became obsessed with losing it (AKA, the word 'diet' became a repeated word in my head). I had a high school coach who told me I was fat and I developed an eating disorder which only made me weak and sick. Around the same time began a 20 year battle with alcohol and cigarettes. That's a whole other post!


Eventually, in my 30s, I realized that my behaviors were just habits even after all that time in practice, and all habits can be broken or formed. Also, I didn't want to DIE! I swapped my smoking and drinking (quit cold turkey) for daily walks and began choosing healthier foods over my usual ramen and burritos. After a year free from smoking and drinking, I added the mini-trampoline and weight training into my workouts and that is when my fitness level took off. I found out which foods made me sick and which ones made me feel good and I gradually eliminated wheat, dairy and almost all processed foods from my diet. Today I am the healthiest I have ever been, and although it took a while to get here, it is pretty simple to maintain, I promise!


My goal is to help as many people who are willing find their healthiest selves. We can only give our best to our loved ones and community when we give our best to ourselves. I found my path to fitness and I can help you find yours!

Lisa Beguelin

Fitness Coach, Personal Trainer


NASM Certified




About Me

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